The next challenge seems to change direction a little. We’re told that the password is located in /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14, and it’s only readable by bandit14. We are, however, provided with an ssh key that we can use to log in as bandit14. I chose to cat the contents and then add the private key to my local machine. Using the following command, we can derive the public key from the private key file: ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/
. The -f switch specifies the private key file, and the -y switch outputs the public key. With this complete, we can now ssh to the bandit server as bandit14.
user@compy ~
$ ssh-keygen -y -f ./id_rsa > ~/.ssh/
user@compy ~
$ ssh -p 2220 [email protected]
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a wargame.
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bandit14@bandit:~$ ls